Victory at the IV open competition of projects in celebration of «The international Project Management Day»

On October 30 at the Lviv state university of health and safety the IV annual open competition of projects in celebration of “The international day of the Design manager” has taken place.

The “Universal Gateway for transfer of telemetric data on the wearable device” project from the international startup school has participated in this competition. In the Lviv went two team members – Roman Malerik and Denis Filyagin.


At a competition 19 projects from 6 universities of Ukraine have been submitted. The subject of projects was different, but emphasis has been put on the correct distribution of the budget, creation of the concrete project plan, calculation of necessary resources for realization.
Estimated the project of jury into which entered both representatives of the Lviv state university of health and safety, and representatives of other universities.
The jury has highly appreciated the project of universal Gateway, he has gathered 75 balls and has won first place. Besides estimates of jury, there was a prize of spectator sympathies – the audience recognized our project the most interesting too.

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The victory in this competition has inspired participants a startup of school for participation in new projects and new competitions.

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